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In order for me to make it to the finish line in this election I will need your help. Please consider volunteering if I am the one you plan on voting for in the election for New York’s 3rd Congressional District in 2024. If you would like to volunteer in helping out with my campaign there are numerous ways you can do so. In fact I would appreciate all the volunteers I can get. I will tell you about the numerous ways you can help out in my campaign by volunteering. If you’re interested in becoming a volunteer to my campaign please send me an inquiry by either email or through the post office letting me know who you are and in what ways you’re interested in helping out with my campaign. Here are some of the ways you can help out as a volunteer in my campaign: 

Get Involved: Intro

Door knocking 

We know a lot of people don’t like solicitation. This includes politicians knocking on their doors wanting to talk about their upcoming campaign. However door knocking can go a long way and some people are interested in hearing what you have to say. As part of my campaign I will be visiting various neighborhoods in the district and knocking on doors to promote my campaign. I will be telling them about myself, why I am running, where I stand on various issues and what I plan on doing if elected. You too can help out by knocking on doors of peoples homes within the district I plan on representing by telling them about who I am and what I plan on doing. The more we spread the word the better. 

Hosting fundraisers

In addition to donating to my campaign online another way we can raise money towards a successful campaign is hosting fundraisers. 

Get Involved: Get Involved
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